Friday, December 14, 2012

I have had difficulty getting on my blog the last couple of weeks or so. The great Chinese firewall found my vpn and blocked it completely.  Since then it has been a sporadic cat and mouse game to find an open portal before they do. In the meantime news. My image China dolls will be exhibited at the Sylvia White Gallery in Ventura California this January as part of their 2013 Collector's Choice Exhibit. I am really excited to be a part of this show and encourage anyone in the area to go check it out!
I posted China dolls on Facebook and put it out there for the masses to view and like and I  thought why am I doing this? Self promotion has always been my least favorite thing to do and consequently the last thing I do to put the work out there to be seen and hopefully be sold. I truly admit I am not very good at it. I look at my postings and I have to laugh at how dry and to the point they are. It is almost like a  so what moment. The conflict is this; if I truly like or love what I do why do I care what others think?  Yet part of why I do this is to make images that can be viewed and appreciated and it is what I want to make my living at. I have been doing this quite awhile now and even with all these social networks and everyone being in everyones lives I still can't seem to grasp the fine art of the sell. I think it is one of the hardest things to master as an artist. We do what we do because we love it. But to make a living at it? I suppose that is the ultimate moment when you realize that you don't have to teach anymore, you don't have to work that 9-5 you are free to be and do what you want. I have spent 30 years trying to be what I want and have sacrificed many things. Now I am at a point in my life where this is the end game. There is no plan B. I think there never should have been a plan B. Yes I still teach and I have begun to faze that part of my life out. It's not that I hate teaching. I like it. It is just not what I want to be doing. In 8 days the Mayan calendar ends. Will it be the true ending of life as we know it? Or is it the beginning of life as we really want it? These girls epitomizes China in many ways. Clinging to the traditional yet embracing the new. China is a place that struggles with it's own successes and wants to be seen as a first rate world power. But fancy high rises and millions of cars on the road do not make a country great. People make a country great. I really like photographing the people of China. They are as varied and different as any one any where. I see the struggles and I see the successes. It is an exciting time to be here. So what do two little girls in roller bades and fancy high rieses have in common? Some how they all seem to be connected to each other.